Christmas morning we woke up to several more inches of new snow on the ground. The kids were thrilled to have a white Christmas.

The rule at our house is that kids cannot wake mom and dad up until 7am. They were good about it and just played with each other until the time arrived and then they came running excitedly to our bedroom so we could open presents with them.
We checked on the note and the cookies we left for Santa. Sure enough the cookies were gone as well as the milk and carrots for his reindeer.
Each of them got a Furby robot from mom and dad and hiking sticks. Can't wait to go hiking again this summer.
Carson received a crochet gift on his birthday so I made Emilia and Stella something for them too. Emilia received a floral infinity scarf and Stella had a fox cowl.
Todd and my gift were pretty practical. I received a Roomba vacuum robot for the basement. It's been great! It is scheduled to go off every morning at 10am. It chooses a random area and vacuums it. My kids bedroom floors have never looked that good! Stella learned pretty quickly to pick up her toys if she doesn't want the vacuum to suck it up. I also got a heated blanket for my bed. It's so nice to turn it on while I'm getting ready for the night and then slip into a warm bed.
Todd got a new sub-woofer and clock for the theater together with some tools he had requested and a subscription to popular mechanics. He's really enjoyed reading the magazine. Its content covers such a variety of topics, he reads every article in it.
On Christmas afternoon we drove to Grandma and Grandpa Humphries house for dinner and presents with the family.