While on our trip the kids enjoyed swimming in the nearby reservoir, hiking the trail around the lake and playing in the playground next to our camp site.

One of the activities at camp was a family history challenge. The kids had to complete eight activities that required them to learn something about their ancestors in order to win a prize.
Emilia was old enough to complete it and in the process learned more about her grandma an their shared ancestors.

On one of the days we took a trip to the fish hatchery in American Falls. We had visited one a couple of years ago, but the kids still really enjoyed it. Their favorite part was of course, feeding the fish in the nearby pond.

I asked Carson what was his favorite thing to do during the whole trip. He answered, "Playing in the playground with the other kids before leaving camp." At this age it doesn't matter so much what we do or where we go as long as there are other kids with whom to play.