Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Between birthdays, Easter, Anniversary, and Mother's Day. April and May are filled with reasons to celebrate. As I look back at the pictures of the kids collecting Easter eggs in shorts and sandals I wonder when will the weather finally stay warm. We really haven't had more than a handful of days in the 70's so far and I've pretty much had it with these lingering cold days.
This year, like years past, we kept on the tradition of dyeing Easter eggs and hiding them on Sunday morning for the kids to find around the house. I have to admit, I didn't even bother to get candy for the kids to find in their baskets. Regrettably, the Easter Bunny didn't make a stop by our house this year. Oh, well! The kids were a bit disappointed but it didn't last. They still have stashes of candy from a neighborhood egg hunt earlier in the week and school.Todd was clever enough to remind them that we had forgotten to put our baskets out for the Easter Bunny to find. I bet they won't forget next year :)

Each of the kids got a new outfit. Carson a new suit, the girls wore matching dresses.