This year we were prepared and brought with us a wagon with sun shade. It was great for the kids to sit comfortably on it and see everything. It was hot as always but we had fun!
Emilia ran into a girl that attended her same preschool. All the kids got to run around and play together for a while until the parade begun. Carson was adorable waving his flag and clapping to everyone. Even the news people thought so, because we had the camera man for Channel CBS 11 news stop to film the kids.

As usual, there were some controversial and amusing displays. I was expecting the atheist group to reappear, but I guess after the boos they received last year they chose to skip this year's parade. Instead we had fun watching the Arlington belly dancer group show their moves. They came in all shapes an sizes.

In the evening we had fireworks at the house and walked to the lake to see the aerial fireworks people were shooting from the park.
Emilia and Carson spent the afternoon with her best friend Claire while we did some more cosmetic touch-ups to the house before putting it on the market. While playing with them she finally lost her first tooth. I was sorry to have missed it. She still has another 19 teeth to go, so there will be more chances to experience it with her.

Emilia was super excited to be part of the big kids club with missing teeth. I was happy that we decided to get our family portraits last month. Now when she drinks her Capri-Sun she puts the thin straw in the hole and sips. She things is the coolest thing ever.