Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Family Portraits

The stars must have aligned because after years of waiting we finally had our family portrait done. There was always an excuse for postponing having our family picture taken. First it was waiting for my braces to come off, then I was pregnant with Stella. After that was waiting for Stella to hold her head up, all along still waiting for my braces to come off. So the week the orthodontist removed them I called the studio and scheduled an appointment.

Carson fell asleep in the car on the way there so he wasn't a happy camper when we woke him up and told him that he had to pose for pictures. We got some smirks from him but that was about all. His attitude made it easy to narrow down which pictures we wanted to keep.

There were two family shots that we liked. We ended up ordering both because we couldn't agree on which one was the best.

Even though Carson didn't smile much the kids pictures turned out too cute.