There was a formal table for the guest of honor and her friends, a reading area, a dress up corner, the food table and the red carpet runway.
The girls got to hear one of Fancy Nancy stories narrated by my wonderful neighbor Liz who dressed up in character for the occasion. Then they played a game where they each won different jewelry to add to their fancy outfits and decorated their own silver crowns. Next they moved the dress up corner to pick an outfit or accessorize what they were wearing. Finally we had a red carpet runway show where they got to twirl and show off their fancy ensembles for everyone else to admire and cheer.
Fancy Nancy loves everything French so we asked Todd's mom who served an LDS mission in France to teach the girls a few french words. We also had some French food for dessert. Emilia's birthday cake was a strawberry trifle/parfait, We also served eclairs and fancy tea cookies. The food table was set under a fancy pink chandelier and tissue pom poms hanging from branches above ( I wish I had a picture of it).
Although it was a girls only party Carson joined in on the fun. He was a wonderful prince charming. Stella dressed up for the occasion also with her frilly pink tu-tu. If being beautiful is hard work, then she must have done a lot of it because she got a lot of beauty sleep during the party.
Emilia got a swing set for her birthday and the girls just loved playing on it. It was a more wild, yet still fancy, part of the party and probably the most fun activity for all the girls. Todd and his dad spent most of Vernon's vacation putting it together and preparing the area where it sits. I'm so glad to them both for their hard work.