Spring is definitely here. We planted our vegetable garden, the kids went swimming yesterday afternoon, Todd even gave in and decided our lawn look bad enough that it needed to be mown.
And I finally gave into purging the kids closet of winter clothes and those too small for them to wear. I really dread the task of sorting, folding and storing their clothes. I already have to do it almost daily with their regular laundry.
The kids have been of great help with spring cleaning and other chores around the house. Emilia had a blast helping me wash the exterior of the car. She was excited to put on her swimming clothes for the first time this year - which we found fit a little too snug.
Emilia also helped her dad plant tomatoes, bell peppers, watermelon and basil. Todd installed a new drip system which we hope will keep our garden alive a bit longer this summer. We found Stella sleeping on the job.
Carson really enjoyes vacuuming, so that's been his chore around the house. I remember when he was afraid of the vacuum and would run away crying from it. Now he fights everyone for it and repeats his favorite phrase 'me do it!'
The two older kids both also enjoy washing windows and they do a really good job at it! After I spray the foaming cleaning solution they draw faces and other pictures on the glass with their fingers and then wipe them clean. I hope they keep finding enjoyment in their work.
We've also made some cute and yummy Easter treats. More in that on my next post!