We had a great time!

Emilia really enjoyed riding down hill with her oldest cousin Heber on the wagon. I had to give it a try too. It was exhilarating and a little worrisome trying to avoid the trees at the end of the run. The kids just ran beside me as I went down. It was fun and felt different being at their same height instead of looking down at them.

Annabelle has a black eye while Carson has scratches on his forehead and nose. Carson's fist is ready to deliver another punch...Who will win?
Carson is doing a lot better at sitting up but is still a little wobbly. He felt forward while sitting down on the ground and hurt his face. That is how he got those scratches.He was not a happy camper for a while that day.

I must be really acclamated to Texas weather because I was really bundled up compared to everyone else.
Todd got to roast marshmellows - one of his favorite camping activities. He can really get them gooey in the center and cunchy on the outside - like a merengue. Yum!
We had a devotional and games every morning that helped us learned about each individual in the Loveland family tree. Playing and/or winning the games earned us trading cards with ancestor's pictures and facts about their lives. Our goal was to get a complete set.

We had several four wheelers there to take the kids around. On the second day of camp a group took them out for a ride after dinner. They didn't make it back until after 11 o'clock at night. That had us a little worried. We weren't too concerned however because those riding could have taken care of any problem they encountered. One was an EMT, the second a mechanic and the third someone who was raised and had lived in the area his whole life.
One of the people in the camp next to ours called search and rescue without consulting us just about the time the group finally made it back.
We found out that nothing had gone wrong. They were simply late because it took them longer than expected to get back once it started getting dark.

We learned to sing 'Little Purple Pantsie'