Emilia enjoyed helping me bake strawberry cupcakes with carrots made out of watermelon flavored twizlers and orange starburst. She had a fun time shaping the candy and eating a few candy carrots along the way.

Our eggs this year were all pink and purple. All the other color tablets in the box were pulverized. But when there's a little princess in the home, that's all of the colors that matter.

A chuch in our community had a great Easter celebration for children. Our camera battery died shortly after we got there so I don't have pictures of all of what Emilia did. Her favorite by far was holding the baby bunny and petting the other baby animals. They were so cute. They had chicks, ducklings, baby pigs and sheep.

The Easter Bunny came in a helicopter and dropped 2,000 eggs from the sky. Emilia now thinks that's how the Easter Bunny gets around.
She also got to ride a pony. I thought she would be afraid of it but she did great. Todd didn't even have to hold her.
On Sunday morning she searched for the eggs the Easter Bunny hid around our patio. Todd is not sure she found them all. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
That's not even all of what we did last weekend... Check back tomorrow for more.