The long weekend was uneventful until dinner time on Monday when Emilia got a hold of a tin can from our recycle bin and got her left pinky stuck between the top edge of the can and the lid which had not been completely removed.
Todd tried to help her get her finger out without much damage but she got scared and frustrated and yanked it out herself. It looked awful!
She is the little trooper though. She cried during the ordeal and while we were washing her hand but after that she did fine. The cut was deep and it ran along her entire finger so we had to take her to the ER for stitches.
The staff at Cook's Children Hospital in Ft. Worth was great with her. They really know how to deal with children. They have a dedicated stitches specialist on staff and a guy (who is really into body building) responsible for holding the patients down. I think that's all he does...
Emilia cried while they were cleaning the wound and had to have six stitches put in but she left happy with new Dora stickers and a yummy popsicle.
Now she walks around with her left hand up and her little pinky sticking out. She reminds me of Mini-Me from Austin Powers. Just a lot cuter :)