All the isle signs were in asian characters and english but even the english translation didn't mean much to me. They sold more types of eggs than I even knew existed - quail eggs, duck egg, etc. They also had a whole isle dedicated to different types of rice.The smallest rice bag you could buy weighted 20 lbs. I really felt like I was in another part of the world.
While meandering through I thought of my brother in law who served the vietnamese people of Georgia during his mission. He would have been a very helpful guide.
Anyway, tonight for dinner I tried two types of recipes and I was pleased by how well one of them turned out -the other one was a minor disaster :(
It's really easy, you just have to cut a firm banana into fourths and wrap a slice in a spring roll wrapper, fry them until golder and you're done. I love to eat it drizzled with caramel and with a scoop of coconut ice cream - sinfully good but a little rich! Now you know why I can't have both the dinner and dessert at a restaurant.
Here is a link to the recipe.
Let me know if you try them.