This cutie pie is turning 7 this month. How did she get so big and adorable? She was just a baby when we moved into our current house and now she does things not even her older sister dare to do, like piercing her ears.
For her birthday theme Stella chose a pancakes and pajama party. I made her cake to look like a stack of pancakes and we served breakfast food to all of her friends. Todd kept busy making pancakes for 17 hungry kids who devoured the food as fast as it came out.

Our friends Claudia and Jordan were great help in getting everyone settled and assisting with toppings and drinks. Andrew wasn't really interested in the food. He just wanted to play with his cousin Bennett.

Our first game was a pancake relay with each time racing to stack layers of pancakes and butter on
the top without knocking over the stack. It was so fun! You can totally tell who had a competitive streak. They were the first to line up and to cheer their team on.

The kids also made necklaces out of fruit loops and decorated their own pillowcases. The pillowcases were a hit with everyone, regardless of gender and age. I had some breakfast-theme decorating ideas that some of the kids used, but some of them just made their own masterpieces.
After opening presents and singing happy birthday the group went outside for one final activity, the donut pinata. I've made one for the last few parties and they are always fun for the kids.
The one activity we didn't get to do was to pin the butter to the pancake on the plate of the pig from the book "If you give a pig a pancake." Emilia, Claire and Eden worked really hard at painting the pig and even though it was used primarily as decoration, I deserves a mention on the blog.