It is similar to the Curiosity Museum, in that it is an interactive museum for kids to learn about science through play, but the similarities end there.
The exhibits are centered around Leonardo DaVinci areas of interest. The first we came across was the flight exhibit. The kids had fun trying to fly a plane through the simulator. Flying was easy, landing not so much.
They also had a wind tunnel for the kids to send paper helicopters into the air. It was positioned next to a staircase so they made a game out of trying to catch the helicopter in mid flight from the stairs.
On the second floor was an actual decommissioned airplane. The kids could sit in the cockpit and push all of the buttons and levers in front of them. One end of the plane was converted into a slide that took the kids back down to the first floor.
After leaving the flight exhibit we visited the visual arts area. They had some green screens where the kids could dress up in green props and see themselves disappear from the screen.
There was a table set up with paint for the kids to decorate a permanent beam in the museum. The paint was on pretty thick and the kids got a little too excited. They painted their hands and arms to leave prints and began exploring what other areas they could decorate. We had to do a thorough washing after finishing there.

Andrew found an old school desk with a book. He climbed right on it and pretended to read.
On the second floor, they had a section on cardboard 3D construction. Andrew loved the dinosaur. He would roar every time he saw it. I tried to take a picture of him roaring but he would run up to the white wall and stand next to the t-rex with a big smile and say 'cheeeeese'.
The puzzles area was fun. They had all kind of building toys for the kids to play with. Carson figured out how to make a sphere with one of the puzzles. He was most proud!
There were a couple of other areas to see, but by that point Andrew had reached his limit and the kids were all hangry (hungry and angry), so we called it a day and took them all to eat at Blue Lemon on City Creek before heading back home.