We were planning on traveling this week but with the uncertainty of the adoption and the possibility of a hearing we chose to stay in town and treat it as a staycation. In hindsight, it was a good decision because we did receive a last-minute call from our attorney telling us we were supposed to appear for a scheduling hearing on Tuesday - but that's a whole different topic.
Monday Todd was home from the office. Emilia volunteered as a helper in Stella's preschool and really enjoyed the experience. For the rest of us, it was a relaxing day with family coming over in the evening for family home evening.

Tuesday the two older ones spent all day up at Brighton with our friend Claire Davis learning how to ski. They were both apprehensive about the experience, but when they got home they were asking when they could go back again.
They had classes sectioned by age. The cut off was 5-7 and 8-12 years old.
Carson did not want to be separated from the girls so we had to make a special request for him to be allowed to join them.
I was planning on going up there with them but woke up with food poisoning so I spent the day homebound.
That evening Stella attended dance class and Carson earned a green stripe on his orange belt in Karate. We have switched back to the rec center near home so that he can be taught by Hanshi Darren.
Wednesday morning we attended the adoption hearing. I was so glad to have something scheduled that afternoon which kept my mind occupied from thinking about what had happened at the hearing.
Right after I got home and picked up the kids from their various places we drove up to Layton to visit the Hill Airforce Base museum.
I had prepared a scavenger hunt for the older kids so there was a purpose to what they were seeing.
Andrew was so full of energy and kept running out of the exhibit area into the hall. I spent a great deal of my time catching him. He's a pretty strong boy so there is little I can do to constrain him and he is not at all inclined to hold my finger. I can see why some parents have leash harnesses for their toddlers.
On Thursday the kids and I visited the Curiosity Museum in Lehi, UT. I take the two younger ones there most Thursdays so I didn't even think of taking pictures of them playing there. There were several elementary school classes there on a field trip so it was a bit crowded so we only stayed for about 90 minutes and decided to go home.
That afternoon 3 out of the 4 kids had their yearly checkups. Interesting fact: Andrew who is 18 months weighs 31 lbs. Stella who is 5 years old weighs 35 lbs. Any guesses as to when he will pass her in weight?
On Friday the kids did their weekly chores during the day. That afternoon we drove to Orem to meet with Nicole and Claire to play at Get Air (a trampoline playground). After dinner, the kids went home with the Easons for a sleepover. They slept little and played much. By the time I picked them up they were exausted but happy. The perfect end to a great week.