We rode on a Zodiac boat. The ride alone was an adventure. The water was not too choppy, but at times it felt as if we were riding a mechanical bull. It was a lot of fun.
It was hard to take pictures while holding on to the side of the boat. If you're really interested is seeing how beautiful the views were, just google Na Pali coast.
While we were riding we stopped to observe a pod of dolphins swimming beside us. They have become acquainted with the boat we were riding on and so they allow us to get very close to them. We could almost touch them.
There was a baby dolphin (1-2 months old) that was really showing off. He kept doing back flips and pirouettes while we were observing them. In reality, they jump out of the water to try to shake off the sucker fish that attaches to their skin.
Kauai has been in a drought for several years, which means there is not as much water run off from the island into the coast. So the water clarity is amazing. We could see the sand and rocks 30 ft. below the water. The colors of the water were amazing too. From turquoise to 'windex blue' and everything in the spectrum of blue and green that you can imagine.