Today I'm recovering from my 24 hr stomach flu. I woke up on Monday at about 1 am feeling nauseated. I didn't think anything of it because of the pregnancy. I never made it back to bed. I ended up grabbing a towel and using it as a pillow and laying on the bathroom floor to get some rest in between my visits to the toilet. Yuck!
I'm just glad that Emilia didn't get it. I spent my morning washing sheets, disinfecting my bathroom and spraying Lysol on everything I touch.
On a brighter note... Emilia's vocabulary keeps growing. I love to hear her speak. She loves her gold fish crackers which she calls 'mish' but my favorite word is movie which she pronounces 'boobie'. I crack up every time I hear her say 'mommy, mommy I wanna see a boobie'.