I've been experiencing technical problems with my previous blog so this is now my new blog page. I'm really excited by the way it looks and how easy it is to use in comparison to my previous one. I have several entries I've not been able to post so I'll make them short and sweat.
This year I got most of my Christmas and b-days shopping done in November while I was in Salt Lake City visiting family. I don't think I've bought anything at a store (except for stocking stuffers). I either made them or bought them on-line.
I can sincerelly say that I've enjoyed Christmas shopping this year. No crowds, traffic, long lines... The real plus is that because all my shopping was done early, I've had the opportunity serve others more during this time and remeber the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ.
Here as some photos of our Christmas decorations at home:
This year I got most of my Christmas and b-days shopping done in November while I was in Salt Lake City visiting family. I don't think I've bought anything at a store (except for stocking stuffers). I either made them or bought them on-line.
I can sincerelly say that I've enjoyed Christmas shopping this year. No crowds, traffic, long lines... The real plus is that because all my shopping was done early, I've had the opportunity serve others more during this time and remeber the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ.
Here as some photos of our Christmas decorations at home:

Our Nativity from Argentina