Wednesday, January 19, 2011

December 2010

December was quite a busy month. In addition to Christmas we also celebrated Carson's and Todd's birthday.

Carson had pink eye and a cough that took him a month to shake off so every picture we took of him around the holidays was not a happy one.

The week before Christmas I tried scheduling an appointment with his pediatrician but they were so busy they couldn't fit him in so I decided to take him to a CareNow clinic to make sure that he wasn't suffering from an ear infection. While there I also mentioned the pink eye so they prescribed him some antibiotic drops.

He ended up having an allergic reaction to the drops and hives all over his face on Christmas eve. I don't think they bothered him but his face was more red than white. I researched the drops online and there is no one reporting hives as an adverse or allergic reaction to the medication. Weird!

I stopped giving it to him immediately and Benodryl took care of the rest.

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One of our traditions around this time of year is to make gingerbread houses. Emilia loved sampling the building materials. Everyday, until Christmas she got to pick a piece of the house to eat until the house was no longer standing.

Christmas is starting to mean something to her now that she's three. She loved celebrating baby Jesus birthday but also enjoyed making preparations for Santa to come. She wrote him a letter and spelled the words Santa and Reindeer all on her own. It's amazing how much she has learned since starting preschool in the fall.